Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Jersey Love

I've been home in NJ for the past week or so for our school break…and sadly I have to head back South tomorrow. Even though the Jerz tends to get a bad rap, I wouldn't want to have grown up anywhere else. So, in honor of all that is great about Hopewell Valley, I put together a little top 10 list of reasons why I love being home:

1. Mom's peach pie
2. Running along the canal
3. Watching the Eags with Dad
4. Being able to see the fabulous Kaity Ry for just $12
5. Jersey tomatoes
6. Kerr Farm corn
7. Lambertville (and New Hope - which should really just be considered part of NJ)
8. Terhune Orchard donuts
9. Cream King (and especially its former employees)
10. Sitting in the backyard with no one else around

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