Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yes, I'm still alive

Yes…I've been slightly MIA for the past month or so. But I swear it's only because I've been hanging out with my new friends:

Ahhh if only. I did have my first celebrity sighting the other week, though(!!) But really, most of my time is spent interning here, being tempted to go to lunch every day here, and finding ways to pass the ridiculous amount of time I spend sitting on here.

Will post some more exciting photos of what I've been up to in New York over these past few weeks when I get them developed!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Business Cards

Just started working on some new ones…and thank God I found this video first! "Life is not about being liked, it's about being effective." So true, so true.

via here

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The States

Frank Chimero is one of my favorite designers/illustrators. The States is an ongoing project of his…so so clever. I'm loving his new print for Hawaii, but think Texas is mighty fine, too. Fingers crossed NJ will be next…

Monday, March 30, 2009


Who knew Bradley was so up on his technology? He pointed me to last night…what a neat site. Qik allows you to upload live video from your mobile phone…and stalk Ashton Kutcher?

You can check out my videos here (and by "videos" I mean Dad and me trying to figure the whole thing out). Finally! My dream of having my own reality show may finally come true!

Friday, March 27, 2009


A custom, letterpress engagement book? How could you not say yes to this?

Printed by Studio on Fire (one of my all-time favorite design and letterpress shops). Check out their blog for details and more images.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Zooey + Oliver Peoples = I'm in love

School = crazy
Me = looking for much welcomed work breaks

I like this one right now:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Write home

Using one of these beautiful new cards from Egg Press! They've got some new cards out for Spring…I love them all, but here are just a few:

Friday, February 27, 2009

New Favorite Website

Light Locations, a location agency in the UK, has some absolutely gorgeous houses, apartments, and shops featured on their site. Their clients include Vogue, GQ, Domino (RIP), Boden, and so many more…

After seeing a few of their locations pop up on one of my daily reads, I headed over to their site and just fell in love. The three pictured above are just a few of my many favs.

* New dream in life: to live in one of these places.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Seattle, here we come!

As much as I try to keep this semi design-related, I have to give a big shout out to my new marathon partner! Somehow I roped this beautiful lady into running with me (ok - she kind of roped me into it, too). Let's hope we have better luck than we did the last time we ran together: that's right, I'm talking about sophomore year, HVCHS student council presidential race. Sue and Brew for 2002! Still a little bitter about that loss.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kareem Rizk

I'm working on some collages for one of my classes - while searching for some visual inspiration/motivation, I came across the work of Kareem Rizk, an Melbourne-based collage artist and designer. I just love the simple layouts in his pieces; the colors, vintage type, and bold shapes work so nicely together.

Check out more of his work on his website or at his etsy shop (Good news: 20% off his work until March 15. Bad news: still have to pay for international shipping.)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Working Girl

I did some serious spring (er, late winter) cleaning yesterday and came across a stockpile of my Paper Source business cards. They might be lacking points on the design-scale, but I think the letterpress makes up for it:

I kind of have a thing for business cards and have seemed to amass quite the collection - I've found that, more often than not, my favorites tend to be letterpressed. I think it's such an appropriate printing method for business cards - it just makes sense that something passed from one hand to another have such a tactile quality. Perhaps I'll post a few of my favorites later this week?

* Finding these makes me miss PS…well, mostly just the glory days of receiving a paycheck.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wish list

Ever at a loss for a birthday/Christmas/Valentine's/general appreciation gift for me? This Japanese colored masking tape would be just fine, thank you.

Unfortunately sold-out in the States here /originally seen here and here / image via here

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jamie Oliver

I don't know what I love more - Jamie Oliver's voice, or the packaging for his new product line. Both are pretty gorgeous.

Designed by Pearlfisher, I am head over heels for the colors and type used in the packaging (particularly the hand-drawn type, done by illustrator Marion Deuchars). Sigh, if only my handwriting was that fabulous…

* Need a romantic Valentine's Day idea? Check out Jamie's Valentine's Day competition. Seems like the perfect way to procrastinate…

Monday, January 19, 2009

This could be you!

Can't you just picture your very own face right there next to mine? But instead of Boston, we'll be in Seattle, on June 28th, having just ran a sub-4h marathon. More details here (I think Paige can attest that I am a pretty good running partner…or that I'm at least willing to share my shot blocks.)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year, New Posts

After weeks of (kind of) taking a break from the computer, I'm back. While catching up on what's been going on out in the internet-world, I came across Southern Weddings Magazine…which totally caught my eye since one of my favorite weddings of the year from the blogging-world made the cover. The groom is photographer Tec Petaja, bride Chelsea of . oh my deer . makes some pretty amazing feather headpieces(!)
More photos by Jose Villa here (since I know you really want to see more of those yellow shoes…)